During construction, how does the owner unilaterally order changes to the contract without changing its terms?
A by change order document
B by issuing a written order for a minor change
C by construction change directive
D by issuing an addendum
E none of the above
Answer: C. The architect prepares a construction change directive to direct a change in the work prior to an agreement on contract cost and/or time adjustment between the contractor and the owner.
for more ARE5.0 study resources see the CE page
A by change order document
B by issuing a written order for a minor change
C by construction change directive
D by issuing an addendum
E none of the above
Answer: C. The architect prepares a construction change directive to direct a change in the work prior to an agreement on contract cost and/or time adjustment between the contractor and the owner.
for more ARE5.0 study resources see the CE page
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