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Showing posts from December 25, 2011

Soil Types

Select the correct rank of the following soil types in order of particle/grain size (large to small) A. decomposed rock, boulders, gravel, silt, coarse sand, clay, B. boulders, gravel, decomposed rock, coarse sand, clay, silt, C. decomposed rock, boulders, gravel, coarse sand, silt, clay, D. boulders, decomposed rock, gravel, coarse sand, silt, clay

Conditions of the contract

What type of "conditions of the contract" can be used on multiple projects, for the same client or another? A. special conditions, B. supplementary conditions C. general conditions, D. standard conditions


What type of electricity do PV cells convert sunlight into initially? (choose 2) A. alternating current, B. galvanic current C. direct current, D. pulsating current E. variable current