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I welcome comments!  Especially the kind that help me improve the blog and the quiz questions posed here.

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Townships double post!

How many sections are contained within a township? Answer 36 (each is 1 mile square) What are the dimensions of 1/2 of a township? H & W Answer 18 miles square (3x6 sections) ARE 4.0 exam prep: SPD

Spec coordination

In case there is a discrepancy between specifications and the drawings, which takes precedence? Answer Neither, A201 considers these - quote - complementary and what is required by one shall be binding as if required by all.- unquote. ARE 4.0 exam prep: CDS

Bolted connections

What is the minimum spacing of bolts specified by AISC? and preferred spacing? A. 1 1/4 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 times preferred B. 1 3/4 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 1/4 times preferred C. 2 1/3 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 2/3 times preferred D. 2 2/3 times the diameter of the bolt; 3 times preferred E. 3 times the diameter of the bolt; 3.25 times preferred