In a curb ramp that has either built-up or flared sides, the maximum slope of the incline should not exceed 1:12. What is the maximum slope of the (flared)sides in these types of curb ramps?
A. 1:8, B. 1:10, C. 1:12, D. 1:16
B=1:10 (10%) However when the level landing beyond the incline is less than 48 inches the flared sides are limited to 1:12.
What is the minimum spacing of bolts specified by AISC? and preferred spacing? A. 1 1/4 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 times preferred B. 1 3/4 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 1/4 times preferred C. 2 1/3 times the diameter of the bolt; 2 2/3 times preferred D. 2 2/3 times the diameter of the bolt; 3 times preferred E. 3 times the diameter of the bolt; 3.25 times preferred
Walks next to parking areas where vehicles are able to overhang the walk should be a minimum width. What is this minimum in feet? A. 3 feet B. 4 feet C. 5 feet D. 6 feet Answer These walks should be 6 ft (D.) minimum in width. ARE 4.0 exam prep: SPD
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