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Showing posts from September 18, 2011

Connectors: wood

Which one of the steel connectors illustrated is used to connect a wood rafter, double top plate and stud? A. B. C. D. or E.

New town concept

The concept of the new town promoted development of completely new and separate communities, independent of what were perceived as excessively dense and unappealing cities. Reston, Virginia, is an example of a new town implemented in the 1960s. Like the new towns of the 1940s in England, new towns in the U.S. never became truly separate and independent of the cities in close proximity. Why? A. lack of public transit B. lack of employment generators C. poor highway interchanges D. internal income disparity

C&D Debris

Which of the following materials are typically excluded from a state's legal definition of construction and demolition debris? Choose 3 A. Non-asbestos insulation, B. Asbestos tile, C. Roofing cement, D. Framing lumber E. Asphalt shingles, F. Drywall, G. Treated wood ties

ADA: portable toilets

For single user portable toilet units at a construction site, used only by construction personnel, at least _____ compliant unit(s) shall be provided. A. 5% but no less than one, B. 10%, C. one, D. none